
Showing posts from August, 2017

A Unique Form of Healthcare That Public Hospitals Don't Want You To Know About

Let’s face it, hospitals are scary. Yours truly seated next to Zitadel's state-of-the-art  mammogram (not today, breast cancer) I don't remember ever having a pleasant experience at a hospital before. From the sad splattering of people seated in the waiting area looking dejected and forlorn to the rude staff who think it is unnecessary to treat patients with even a modicum of respect. Nothing appeals to me about these morbid establishments - how the stench of chemicals, medicine and crushed dreams, sticks on you long after you have exited those pale double doors. The way everyone looks at each other with pity in their eyes...and the doctors and specialists who seem to have little regard for the comfort level of patients. I could never get used to the idea of hospitals so I made sure I rarely had a reason to ever visit one. You can only imagine my dismay when a good friend of mine pleaded with me to escort her to the very place that filled me with skin crawling anxiet